New: Watercolor workshops for children/adults in Grenoble

Hello 🖐

I am super excited to welcome you (your children and you) to the watercolor workshops that I am organizing on October 26 and 29 at Mon Ptit Hêtre in Grenoble.

picture children make watercolor

Image by Yan Krukov - Pexel

After these periods of videos and "online" life, I wanted to offer moments of meeting around drawing 🖌🖍 because drawing allows you to concentrate, to be in the present moment, to feel good, to develop skills and if, in addition, we do it together it is an opportunity to have a good time with other people!

On Wednesday, October 26, I propose:

  1. From 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. - Workshop for children over 6 years old . After a general presentation of the participants and the workshop, we will play with water and paint, in a spirit of awakening, benevolence and discovery. I will accompany the children in their approach to create a Halloween-themed drawing. Price €15 - Brother/sister duo €25
  2. From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. - A parent-child workshop (from 3 years old) because it allows you to spend time together without worrying about having drawing materials or dirtying the house. During these workshops we will have the opportunity to free the creativity of parents thanks to the help of their children 😁 and yes! We reverse the roles: Let your children guide you! Price €16 - Brother/sister duo €19

Saturday, October 29:

  1. From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. - Special workshop for mothers and future mothers. This 3-hour workshop aims to bring together women so that they can meet and have a good time together while creating a unique work for the decoration of their children's room: The initial of their child's first name painted in watercolor! Price 57 €

None of this workshop requires knowing how to draw or paint : I will be there to accompany you step by step so that you and your children come out proud of the work you have produced. 👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉

▶️ Registration:

Halloween watercolor course for children over 6 years old

watercolor halloween kids and parents stage

halloween watercolor workshop moms and future moms

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